

My name is Carolyn Bennett and I was born thirsty. Thirsty for adventure, life, and love. Ten days after my fourth birthday, all that changed. My thirst morphed into something much darker. It was replaced by fear. Read the full story here.

After I had my children, that fear grew into an obsession. Someone could and would hurt my boys. I spent my waking moments keeping them safe and out of trouble. My nights were one continuous nightmare.

And guess what? My kids did get hurt. Their feelings got hurt on the playground, they had multiple sports injuries, and they suffered failures. I obsessed. I also began to drink to cope with the fact that I couldn't protect them.

Alcohol (mostly wine) became my best friend. She provided safety, comfort, and a soft place to land…for awhile.

She also stole from me. She took precious time away from my husband and boys. She stole my ability to be flexible. My human friends knew if they wanted to go out to dinner with me, I would need to control when, where, and what time. This need to control was all so I could hurry home to my bff.

The most significant thing alcohol stole from me was my health. I began having health issues. Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and adrenal burnout became new words in my vocabulary. Depression, migraines, and weight gain accompanied this diagnosis.

I went on a "health kick." I started on bio-identical hormones, Nature-throid, vitamins, and minerals. My friend and I started kick-boxing. I made it a priority to fit in a nature walk every day. I cut gluten and reduced my sugar intake. I did everything BUT give up my best friend. How could I? She was helping me get through the stress of raising teens and having my oldest fly off to college.

February 28, 2018, changed all of that. I was still struggling with depression and not feeling well. That morning, I decided enough was enough. A college-age friend told me, "It's all in your mindset." Those words were Life-Changing (see article here). I decided then, and there I'd change my mindset and break up with my fake best friend.

I'll be honest, I white-knuckled my way through those first three months, and then, I found Annie Grace. Her methods blew my mind. I knew I'd found my answer.


And the best news is, I'm thirsty again. I thirst for deep connections with others, and I want to drink in laughter. My thirst for adventure, life, and love has returned.

What do YOU thirst for? (See chart here).

I'll help you quench your thirst for alcohol so that you can start living again.