My Naked Mind, Body, and Soul

Celebrating three years of freedom from alcohol!

What does it mean to have a "mind that is naked?" I haven't been shy about telling anyone who will listen that Annie Grace's book, "This Naked Mind," was a game-changer for me. I read it cover to cover within hours, and then I listened to the Audiobook multiple times. She explains the naked mind concept in her book. If interested, you can read it in her own words (This Naked Mind - Chapter 5 - You: Simply Naked).  

But this blog post is a bit more personal; this is about the benefits I found from having a naked body, mind, and spirit. As I celebrate my third soberversary, on February 28, 2021, I've been reflecting on my alcohol-free journey and soaking in the beauty of being substance-free.  

I feel gratitude for this journey, even on the darkest days. I appreciate the light more than ever. Here are my top five benefits of having a naked mind.  

PEACE - I never realized what I was missing out on while dressing my mind up in stress, anxiety, and alcohol. Every once in a while, I would go a few days without drinking, and I would feel this strange feeling of what I once believed was mind-numbing boredom. Now I know it as peace. After I stopped drinking and relaxation became attainable for me, I began to realize the state my mind had lived in its entire life - Fight, flight, fawn, and flee. While I was actively drinking, I had no reset button and no way of accessing my naked, peaceful mind.  

FEEL-GOOD CHEMICALS - Our minds are magnificent machines, and they are built to function optimally without artificial stimulation. Society doesn't believe this; almost every commercial aims to get us to feel inadequate without energy drinks, caffeine, and alcohol. But here's the thing, when we cut out alcohol, our energy level naturally increases, and we don't need outside stimulants. We can access the feel-good chemicals in natural ways. Check out this chart of feel-good chemical hacks: 

dopamine booster chart.JPG

*I also stand behind CBD, it is a plant-based medicine, and when taken in its organic form, it works with our natural endocannabinoid system. CBD is NOT marijuana. I fell in love with this company and now use their organic CBD oil. It helps with my joint pain and occasional bouts of insomnia, creating an overall sense of well-being.

Coming in my next blog post; Why I believe it is ok to be alcohol-free with CBD. 

COMPLETING TASKS - I had no idea how fulfilling it is to complete a task. Something as simple as making my bed each day or getting my tax return put together before April is the best feeling ever. Now that I feel better mentally, physically, spiritually, I put myself on the list. I used to avoid going to the doctor until I felt so ill I had to make an appointment. I was too lazy to look into ways of feeling better, so I just let those tasks slip away. Today, as I type this, I'm listening to serotonin and dopamine release music, I just popped my probiotic, and as soon as I post this blog, I'm off to hit the yoga mat. My naked mind, body, and soul are all thriving!  

REWILDING MY LIFE -  My greatest joy as a kid was spending time outdoors, wading in creeks, climbing trees, sitting in the middle of the field reading a book. My mind felt naked and free back then. I've tapped back into this love of the outdoors in a big way, and I know for a fact, I would never have reconnected with nature and my beloved trees. I'm now a practicing ecotherapist - Say what? If I had to rank these benefits in order, this one thing alone would be at the top of my list. It's where I feel God. 

MY SPIRITUAL LIFE - Yes, this is the last benefit I'm listing, but it doesn't make it the least important. When I was drowning in the bottle, I was also running from God and my spirituality. I didn't want Him to "see" me in that condition. However, He was the first one I would call out to from the bathroom floor when my body decided to purge itself of the poison. I felt unloved and unwanted, but He was always there, holding me up, not letting me drown. It has been one of my greatest joys to reconnect with God. I used to talk to him from my safe space in the trees, and now we speak with each other when I head out on a nature walk. It's where I feel His presence. If I had not gone back to the naked state in which He created me, I would have never found true peace of mind!  

So, today, as I celebrate three years of freedom from alcohol, I revel in the benefits. I welcome the year 2021 with open arms, and I can't wait to see where my aF journey will take me next. 

aF - small a for alcohol; large F for FREEDOM! 

Carolyn Bennett